Minggu, 17 Juni 2012

Johny Crott, Template Store Online for Bike Lover

I dedicated this template to Omiyan, he likes bicycle very much. He want to make an online store basic on his hobby. I would like to give him this template to make his bussiness more succeed and I hope he enjoy it. This template names Johny Crott, because there's so many oil that spread everywhere when he change his gear and wheel... hahahahaha

johny crott template

I added this template with Shopping Cart feature from wojodesign.com. I made this template more easy to navigated, there's no specific method to make a new post, you write and upload an image just like you did it in ordinary template, all you have to do is just start with this code :
<span class="item_price">$3,000.00</span>
You must change $3,000.00 with your own price, after that you can upload your image and write your description as usual, for better result I suggest you to upload an image first before you write an articles.

To change paypal email with yours, find this code in Edit HTML :
<script type='text/javascript'>
simpleCart.email = &quot;johnytemplate@gmail.com&quot;;
simpleCart.checkoutTo = PayPal;
simpleCart.currency = USD;
simpleCart.taxRate  = 0.02;
simpleCart.shippingFlatRate = 3.25;
simpleCart.shippingQuantityRate = 1.00;
simpleCart.cartHeaders = [&quot;Name&quot;, &quot;thumb_image&quot; ,
&quot;Quantity_input&quot; ,   &quot;Total&quot;, &quot;remove&quot;
Change johnytemplate@gmail.com with your Paypal email, and in that codes above you can change how many tax rate and shipping flat rate that you want to provide to your customers.

I removed the order button in homepage, but you can find it in post page. You must make an order form in google docs or other site that similiar. Then you can copy into your static page,  and then go to your edit HTML and change this URL page order http://johny-crott.blogspot.com/p/order.html in demo with yours :
<input class='order'
type='button' value='Order'/>
And if you have any question leave your message in comment box below, good luck and happy blogging.

Update Templates

My Google Code was banned, there's so many script that I put in there can't be opened. But I already fixed it with the updates ones, you can re-download this template or you can change some script below

Click this link and read subtitle "Update Template" in that post for the latest updates of Javascript

Wakakakakakakakaka.... somprettt, bener nggak sih Inggrisku